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Built by: HelpbotKappa

- Note From Builder -

Float Away

This project is a prove of concept.

At the core of all my build is the conquest resource pack. A very technical pack such is the nature of the pack that the best builders bypass single player and head to a specialized server to utilize it.

This build was made 100% in single player. I used world edit and Mc edit as to help me with unlocking the technical part of the Pack. As for building the landscape I only used world painter. The goal when I set out building was to show case some of the more technical side of conquest that is achievable in single player.

You will find a high degree of detail throughout out as well as variation of atmosphere with in the two distinctly different parts of the build. The theme is complicated, the builds are a little abstract, the landscape is beautiful.

The build:

  • Floating Islands
  • Forest

not spoiling anymore

Oh! I left an Easter egg somewhere Deep in the Forest. Pm if you think you found it, I don’t want you to spoil anything in the comments. Hint Blue Orchid Flower pot in Forest.

I hope you enjoy my work.

I would love to hear from you. Please comment your thoughts and ideas what you liked and disliked. Any Future project you would like to see. If you use this build in anyway give credit where credit is due share the info.

Note of importance:

For the forcible future I will ONLY be building in 1.7.10 with Conquest resource pack. You may choose to use something different but I can’t guarantee it will look nice.

I only used World painter for the landscape.

I used some assets from Mushroom repository and Custom Tree Repository by lentebriesje . I recommend to check this guy he is just simply Legendary.

Cara Install:

1. Download Float Away dibagian bawah
2. Extract Rar hingga menjadi folder
3. Lalu copy dan masukan kedalam folder saved yg ada di file .minecraft
4. Start minecraft dan pilih map yang ingin dimainkan
5. Selamat Bermain!

Hello semua selamat datang di Frosty Cold Rollercoaster. Rollercoaster ini menggunakan singleplayer commands untuk membangun jalurnya, dan ditambah dengan torch by torch untuk membuat rollercoaster ini terlihat beda. Link download ada dibawah deskripsi.

 Cara Install :
1. Download Frosty Rollercoaster di bawah
2. Extract Zip hingga menjadi folder, jika sudah copy Foldernya
3. Klik Start dan ketik %AppData% lalu Paste kedalam folder '.minecraft', 'saves'
4. Start minecraft dan pilih mapnya
5. Selamat Bermain! ^^

Download Frosty Rollercoaster

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